Thursday 14 June 2007

Micro Presentations

My bro, Antony, has a really interesting post on Micro Presentations that he saw when attending Reboot 9.0 conference a couple of weeks ago. As Antony says:

Basically people get to make their point, their pitch, their whatever, in the time that it takes for an automated slides presentation to move through 15 slides allowing a strict twenty seconds per slide. You see the clock counting down from 20 in the bottom right hand corner of the slide as soon as it appears...

Whilst I normally present with a whiteboard, PPT is quite often expected or necessary and I really like this idea. With so much information around there is a battle to deliver it what people need to know in a concise and timely fashion.

When I started my current job back in October 2006 I was really grateful for Guy Kawasaki's 10 20 30 rule. The idea of the micropres adds to this by taking the fear out of presentations for the audience.

Look forward to seeing some examples.

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