We were quite fortunate with the flooding Long Hanborough. We were cut off for a while but never really had any problems. No power cuts or water being shut off like in Tewksbury.
Still, you didn't have to go far to experience the effects of the flooding. Eynsham was hit and the A40 had fish swimming over it at one point. Oxford is still waiting to find out it the water is going to be receding any time soon - or if it's going to be going further up.
I am still able to work from home (yar-boo!), but I am not sure when I will be able to drive in. Gloucester is still hit pretty badly as far as I can tell.
One difficulty is finding out how the floods are effecting routes. I know all about the surrounding area as the local radio has been brilliant and I can view the national situation. But I'm having trouble finding out if the route I use via Cheltenham and Gloucester is passable.
I am amazed at the commitment and effort put in by the emergency services and other service organizations. Including the councils, the hospitals, the road recovery agencies. Everyone who can be doing something is doing it.
It's a shame that there are still so many selfish idiots out there moving closed road signs and endangering live wherever they can.
Still it looks as though the majority of the populus are helping rather than hindering.
Will be interesting to see if this calms the housing market a little.
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