Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Real Geeks use Macs

I am increasingly drawn to the Mac.

I've always enjoyed it's sleek looks and the way Apple had MS bail it out of trouble in the 90s (to save MS from being sliced and diced under competition laws). I even offered to buy my wife one for her birthday in a moment of sheer selflessness >ahem<

But, The Register's article proclaiming '10 Reasons to Buy a Mac' has firmly placed it above the Aston Martin Vanquish in my wishlist (but not above the DB9 or DB6, so please feel free). A further discussion with my networking buddy, Bob, about Parallels and XP emulation almost pushed it right to the top.

The 3rd Party software market is pretty cool too. I'm always jealous reading 43 folders when they start talking about the latest Mac productivity tool. My sister showed up with her newly purchased MacBook a couple of weeks ago and I was fairly impressed. Especially, with Comic Life, a comic creation tool that allows you to insert your photos in a comic style layout (see Guy Kawasaki's post)

My family always seem to think I am going to be hostile towards the Mac. I've had my brother, sister and father tentitively ask me about the Mac as though I was going to explode and start ranting. Which I do - but in a nice way.

Since the transition to a Unix based OS I've seen alot more geeks using Macs. I know Chris Pirillo and the bloke who started Slashdot use them. Then there was the intern who came to work at a Unix company I used to work with. Not just the airy-fairy, yet highly talented, graphic designery/architecty friends I've got (only joking - Tim, Peter and Prod!).

There are many issues still for me to use a Mac. Much of my work is VMware and PC based. But for most Office-based users there really shouldn't be many issues to using a Mac. I'm not so sure about the networking side of Macs either. I know that most of the time 'they just work' but that really doesn't help me when it comes to solving why they aren't working... It just seems like the the big boys have Macs.

To end this Pro-Mac post here's a little UK version of the Mac ads from Mitchell and Webb. Though you'll notice it's from YouTube. No idea why you can't embed the ones on the Mac site?

Update: You may have noticed that was the wrong video. But I enjoyed it so much I've left it there. You can see the one I meant to emded on my next post.

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