Thursday, 14 June 2007

Another day another hotel room: Asteria

A tour of my last hotel room on this trip. Slightly dark, but I'm happier in this one :¬)

For another much nicer hotel room tour see  Garr Reynold's Presentation Zen blog post about his stay at the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo. Ever so slightly outclasses my video for content and quality.

Micro Presentations

My bro, Antony, has a really interesting post on Micro Presentations that he saw when attending Reboot 9.0 conference a couple of weeks ago. As Antony says:

Basically people get to make their point, their pitch, their whatever, in the time that it takes for an automated slides presentation to move through 15 slides allowing a strict twenty seconds per slide. You see the clock counting down from 20 in the bottom right hand corner of the slide as soon as it appears...

Whilst I normally present with a whiteboard, PPT is quite often expected or necessary and I really like this idea. With so much information around there is a battle to deliver it what people need to know in a concise and timely fashion.

When I started my current job back in October 2006 I was really grateful for Guy Kawasaki's 10 20 30 rule. The idea of the micropres adds to this by taking the fear out of presentations for the audience.

Look forward to seeing some examples.

Mozzie stealth attack

Was kept awake last night by dive bombing Mozzies. Couldn't work out where they were coming from as they hadn't bothered me the night before and I had the window closed.

Finally figured it out this morning as I watched one of the blighters fly in under the door! They were zooming from room to room having a whale of a time, mozzie style. Really annoying - especially since my room didn't have Air Con.

I mean, a modern hotel (Hotel Cuijk) that doesn't have A/C! What's with that?! The great food, designer decor and views over the countryside are all very nice. But if you can't sleep because of the heat and the insects... well.

Back at the Asteria in Venray, tonight. May not be as up market as the Cuijk, but it's got Air Con and a decent restaurant. Looking forward to a good sleep on my last night in Netherlands.

Though I'm off to Italy on Sunday... Grrrr!

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Hotel Cuijk Room Tour

Here is a tour of my room in Cuijk as requested by my best girls.

Love you both (and the little guy!) xxx

Moving hotels

When I arrived on Sunday night in Venray, exhausted after a long flight, (thought not as tired as the guy sitting next to me on the plane who'd been traveling 24 hrs from Texas to Dusseldorf), I was told that their was no booking for me. I did manage to get the last room they had (the guy after me at the desk was turned away!), but only for two nights.

So today I'm moving. I managed to get a room twenty minutes drive down the road at Cuijk. However, this is only for two nights. I have to make further arrangements for Thursday! Bit annoying to say the least. Traveling for business is hard enough for a week without having to figure out where your going to sleep every night. A consistent place to stay does wonders for a professional attitude whilst working.

Monday, 11 June 2007

On the road: Venray, Netherlands

I am on the road again. Back in Venray, Netherlands visiting my colleagues. Maybe off to Switzerland midweek.

I don't really like going away. Always though it would be fun to travel for business a little. But for me it's a real struggle. I hate leaving the family to travel to work, never mind for a week. The little guy gets all quiet and starts frowning and sucking his fingers.

Joy said to me yesterday as she was unfolding the plastic crate in a very business like manner not unlike her mother, "What are you doing in the Netherlands?". I told her I was showing some people how work some software. After a moments thought she asked, "Can't they do that themselves?"

Aye, there's the rub...

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Segway enabled bust

Hot news for Segway/Arrested Development fans:  a Long Beach cop riding a Segway captured 3 car thieves driving a stolen Merc. That's right, the 12.5 mph top speed vehicle used Police pursuit techniques to force the perps to finally abandon the car and enable capture by the officer.

Paves the way for an odd sort of vigilante. Knight Seg! Seg-Wolf!

Shame we live in the middle of the country. I'd love to take advantage of one of these babies.

Full Story on the Reg (and thanks to GadgetLab for the link)

Here's an old link about the sale of GOBs Segway.

Monday, 4 June 2007

Dog desire

We had lunch with some friends yesterday in their garden with their dog. We were really taken with Corrie as she was a beautiful dog. It really reminded us that we would love a dog. I love the shot of this mutt from Guy Kawasaki's blog. The only problem is that we just don't really have the room for a dog at the moment. We live in a great area for them but I keep thinking the house is just too small that it wouldn't be fair on the dog or the neighbours...

Saturday, 2 June 2007

New Car!!

New Car Front!

Yes, we have a new car. A NEW new car. Amazing! Never thought we would be able to do it but we have. It's a shiny new model Kia Carens. We are chuffed to bits with it and are looking forward to a bit more visiting to friends and family in it. We always had very old cars so it is lovely to buy something brand new and be absolutely overwhelmed by the comfort and ease of driving.

Much more on it to come, but in the meantime here are some pictures:

New Car Rear

Inside our new car!

Friday, 1 June 2007

Sandy Balls!

Sandy Balls! Sandy Balls! Saaandieeeee Balls!