Thursday, 31 May 2007
Coffee Pot
Rice Pudding
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
A little too close to home
Three-year-old's Tennis tantrum - Nintendo Wii Fanboy
Blogged with Flock
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
New blog for my techy posts...
I realise that alot of my recent posts are a little to techy for the friends and family crowd that this blog is intended for. For instance, I haven't commented on my little boy's birthday, my brothers pictures or even my NEW car. Yes, my lovely new car!!!! (Sorry 'our' lovely new car.)
Therefore I have set up a new blog ("Another one!") called Just Too Techy for where to vent my techiness in a safe place with out being a danger to myself and others.
If still interested in the too-techy nature of some of my blogs recently you can pick up the geek-thought-process there.
Thanks for you time. Normal service will assume... Now!
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Luggage server solutions
I remember once whilst working for at my friend Bob's network engineering company that he lugged in a large suitcase sized contraption with a fold out 7" monitor box and a fold down keyboard. It was an late 80s solution for pottering around large main frames between cities in the States and had somehow worked it's way back to the UK with Bob. It ran some flavour of Unix and was incredibly retro. So Of course - in the same way some people have the obsession of using one of the old 90s mobile phone bricks - I fell in love with the thing
The NextDimension 'Flextop' offering from NextComputing seems at first glance to be along the same lines. SO at first glance of Gearlogs post on the subject I fell in love again. Some seriously juicy performance can got from the box as it has 8 cores (yes! 8!) capacity for 16-24 GB of RAM and 5 X 160GB HDD. The NextDimension Evo HD has a built in screen for pitys sake!
On showing these to my boss he immediately initiated a price hunt for things (I am sooo in the right job). These baby's will facilitate a few DRM and onsite solution senarios no probs.technorati tags:flextops
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Friday, 18 May 2007
Kev's Baby Boy
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Chow cooking site
A recent discovery for me has been I really like the useable inteface and recipes and food news and quite a lot of things about this site. The videos are short and informative. I think I'm going to become a regular visitor.
One thing I enjoyed was when I signed up there is a small section within which answer a number of questions that tell about your tastes and a little bit about who you are. I was surprised that I had an answer for most of them, but also that I found myself really enjoying the thinking about the questions. It made me realise that I really enjoy cooking and don't do enough of it. Cooking for enjoyment can be somethign that is so easily lost.
I have often wondered if I added to my repertoire of meals I could help out a bit more.
We have experienced that 'Quick Meals' are no better and take no longer that cooking from stratch most of the time. But I would also like to learn how to cook things that take a bit longer. Especially Bread and Roast Meat...
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Gadget Show seeks GOI
I had a conversation today with a researcher from the show and just had a great time chatting about all things Geek and Gadgetry. With my job I have to explain complex issues quickly to completely un-technically inclined people so it was good practice. Catherine, the researcher, was asking me questions about why someone would want to build a lightbulb or an RSS Coffee Maker and it was fun going through the fact that the 'why' is not important to Geeks, it's the 'how'.
The saying that most describes the Geek or Instructable mindset is "If it ain't broke, make it better". The idea that the making is important as the product. The journey is as important as the destination as Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance would say.
Anyway, I'll mention how I get on with the selection process. It was a fun conversation whatever happens. Gave me a ten minute break.
RSS Coffee Mornings
This is just precious! A coffee brewer that reads RSS feeds and uses the frequencies to brew the coffee. Thus introducing a taste-bud-RSS-blood-sugar-caffine high! Nuttsy! Must be an Instructable for it surely?
Via Engadget
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Friday, 11 May 2007
Tron-style graffiti wall
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Geek Jewelry
Since I'm going all geeky today here's a story from the Wired Gadget blog about geek jewelry made from use PC components by Jana Brevick. Pictured here is presumably a PS2 connector (male/female) but I prefer the Cat5 set. Aside from these quirky Blogline grabbers Jana has some beautiful and innovative Jewelry on her flickr page. Shame I can't seem to find a website to order from - though there are contact details in this article...
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iPod engraving at Apple Store UK
Not a surprise to some people, I'm sure. But Nikki pointed me to the Apple Store UK site yesterday where you are able to engrave your iPod before ordering. Lovely idea. Just means you spend half an hour deliberating what to put on there. Then realise that no ones going to see it anyway.
Bit like ring tones in that respect surely? Spend ages choosing a 'unique' ring tone that really reflects your personality - only to find that it just bugs the pittabread out of everyone.
Vista Explorer Shot
Another geeky post, but I love the feature of Vista that graphically represents space available on drives on your computer. In this shot I've just about exausted my USB 2.0 ports and hubs and am able to view in one place the amount of usage they all have. Have I a terrabyte of data yet? Maybe it's time to invest in one of these babies!
Thursday, 3 May 2007
New Multimap - with added wifi!
It's new interface is a lot closer to the usability that we have come to expect with online maps and it seems to replicate most of GoogleMaps features. With unfortunate exception of the mouse-wheel-zoom - a feature I think is such an intuitive addition to GoogleMaps.
This is the sort of usability that will bring me back to using Multimap. It's good to see them back on form.
*Updated* - the snapshot is of Wifi hotspots in Witney, UK.
*Updated 1.2* - Sorry, I meant Wifi hotspotsDidcot, UK.